Sunday, June 6, 2010

Practical Information in Iran

Iran practical information can help make your visit to Iran easy and free from worry. Many things should be realized about Iran before traveling overseas to this country. Travel safely and enjoy your visit to Iran with these practical tips.

Paying for Things

Credit cards are of no use in Iran due to the war and the US trade embargo. Paying for things will have to be performed another way. There is no way around this so keep your plastic cards at home. Additionally traveler’s checks will not work in Iran.

Cash and local accounts are the best way to pay for things in Iran. Change money at local exchange shops. Do not use changers on the street and make sure to learn the current rates in the market. Keep a handy estimator print out tool with you to ensure worth. Open an account if possible with a local bank in Iran before going. Transfer money to the account and then you are all set to use it.

Health & Safety

Receiving vaccinations before traveling to Iran is practical information necessary for your health and safety. Be prepared for any sudden occurrences by packing first aid supplies. Buy insurance for use in hospitals and doctors while visiting Iran.

Be aware of bogus police, especially if visiting Tehran or Esfahan. Theft is the primary motive behind these scams. Beware any unmarked cars and plain clothes cops. Ignore these posers and they will usually disappear. Never give them your passport or any other information or items.

Weekends in Iran

Fridays are the start of the weekend in Iran. Practical information about this is that the post offices, banks, schools and travel agencies will be closed on this day. Thursdays are usually a half day in Iran, with these places closing around noon. Be sure to get any information or items you need before these days.

Mobile Phone Use in Iran

Roaming service is available in Iran. It should be used at a minimum because of the additional fees. Some providers do offer it free with service. If your phone carrier doesn’t, buy prepaid phone cards. These are usually cheaper than using a mobile phone.

Earthquakes in Iran

Everyday there is an earthquake within Iran. Usually travelers do not even feel it. Big earthquakes are known to happen. Take cover from any falling objects and debris. Clear away from windows, heavy furniture and appliances that could fall.

Create spaces in mud-brick buildings to avoid suffocation. Dust and dirt in the air is a leading cause for death in Bam because of this. Get under the bed to get away from this possibility. Stay clear of power lines and buildings if outside.

March 12, 2010 change by ctanios
March 11, 2010 change by gabriellet

The local currency is the IRR Rial (IRR

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